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Genevieve Kuzak

Updated: Dec 25, 2019

MI, She/Her or He/Him, 24



What does being butch mean to you?

Being butch to me means being trans masculine nonbinary, being masculine but not a man, being a dyke boy, being apart of a community of people who have always had to fight to be acknowledged and having a very unique dynamic in my sexual relationships.

How do butch culture and lesbian culture affect each other?

Butch culture and lesbian culture have always interlaced with one another and been apart of each other's history. I think that as a community butches are usually almost always lesbian-adjacent in some way. Whether they identify as lesbians or vaguely identify with the lesbian community. They aren't existing within the same circle and I definitely know butches (including myself) who feel awkward identifying as a lesbian sometimes or don't identify as a lesbian. Regardless, being a butch means interacting with lesbian culture in some way.

How does being butch affect your daily life?

Most people don't seem to know what to make of me or they think I'm a guy or just weird. Sometimes I do run into issues with people being rude or outright harassment but I have almost gotten used to it. I definitely am not taken seriously in certain professional environments and there are jobs nobody will hire me for. I think I have to create my own future which is honestly a blessing. I think there is definitely more room now to be more 'fluid' in your gender identity as a butch and it isn't like you are either a butch woman or trans guy, which is cool. Other than that it is hard to say, I really don't know!

What are some stereotypes about butches, do you relate to them?

That we are mean, aggressive and hate men. I am all of these things at different times but am generally a very relaxed person.

How do you feel about butch representation in media?

Well I wish there was actual butch representation because there really isn't. I know of maybe two movies and a small handful of tv shows that show any sort of gnc afab butchy person. It would be great for their to be more people like me in any form of media. If there actually was butch representation then I could critique it but there really isn't.

How did you evolve into your identity?

I basically came out as a lesbian and realized I had been living as a lie for many years. I looked back to my childhood and saw how I used to dress up as boy characters and hated puberty. I began a process even before I came out of shedding the femininity that had been ingrained in me. Once I actually did come out I quickly realized I was always more comfortable being masculine.

What makes you feel beautiful?

I don't really try to feel beautiful. Sometimes my girlfriend says my eyes are beautiful or my mouth and I think that's cute. I guess I try to be more handsome. I always just dress in what I like, put some pomade in my hair and maybe make my mustache more apparent. I also feel really attractive when I am with my girlfriend or other gays because they truly see me.


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